Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why is my pony acting this way?

This is day 2 of my daughters 350lb pony acting funny. We thought it was Colic but we do not think so anymore. She started out just rolling around and being uncomfortable. So we treated her with Ban-amine and kept her from rolling. She ped gas and poop a small amount which looked strange. It had what looked like strings in the poop and it was discolored. So we thought she had worms or a blockage. We wormed her with Safeguard. We let her go all day yesterday, and kept watching her. She would lay down, roll once, lay on her back a bit, and then lay flat on her side for like an hour. Last night we put her in the barn with the heater on to dry her. We gave her more Ban-amine with a main line. That did nothing! So we Aced her in the muscle. It calmed her down and she relaxed. We had also give her warm water with electrolytes with a syringe down the throat. Her back end was still shaking alot and her breathing wasn't good. And she keeps biting at her back legs. We really thought she was going to die. About 3 hour later she was laying up right and munching a bit of hay. Threw the night and this morning she is still rolling just a bit (not what you would call thrashing) still not eating or drinking (except for a bit or 2 of hay). She was up this morning and acted like she wanted fed with everyone else but wouldn't touch it. She didn't seem to be laying down as much this morning. We took her for a walk and she pooped and it was loose. Still had stringy look to it. I have given her water with a syringe all day. She is also still biting at her back legs. We are kind of at a lose. She alert and wants out in the pasture but as soon as she gets out there she drops and rolls once and just lays there. Anyone have anything happen to there ponies like this before?

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